Rhodiola Extract

Rhodiola Extract is the root of an arctic plant that is first and foremost an adaptogen – a substance that increases resistance to physical and mental stress. Rhodiola Rosea Extract salidroside powder has a normalizing effect. However, Rhodiola does much more than that. Rhodiola Rosea extract also enhances your mood, focus, and physical energy while reducing anxiety. And the list of benefits goes on. Rhodiola Rosea Extract salidroside powder is one of those rare and magical herbs that has so many varied benefits, you have to marvel at how much nature could concentrate so much healing powder into a single plant. We are specialized in these products for years and can provide you with specifications at a competitive price.

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Basic Information:

Product Name, Specification, Test Method
Rhodiola Rosea Extract: Salidroside≥3% By HPLC
Rhodiola Rosea Extract: Salidroside≥5% By HPLC
Rhodiola Rosea Extract: Salidroside≥10% By HPLC
Rhodiola Rosea Extract: Salidroside≥98% By HPLC
Rhodiola Rosea Extract: Rosavins(Rosavin+ Rosarin+ Rosin)≥5%
Rosavin≥1% By HPLC
Rhodiola Rosea Extract: Rosavins(Rosavin+ Rosarin+ Rosin)≥5%
Rosavin≥2% By HPLC
Rhodiola Rosea Extract: Rosavins(Rosavin+ Rosarin+ Rosin)≥3%
Salidroside≥1% By HPLC
Rhodiola Rosea Extract: Rosavins(Rosavin+ Rosarin+ Rosin)≥5%
Salidroside≥2% By HPLC


1. Enhancing immunity and delaying aging;

2. Resisting radiation and tumor;

3. Regulating nervous system and metabolism, effectively limiting melancholy feeling and mood, and promoting mental status;

4.Protecting cardiovascular, dilating coronary artery, preventing coronary arteriosclerosis and arrhythmia.


1. Applied in food fields, it is widely used as a functional food additive;

2. Applied in the health product field, it can be used as raw material in health food, the purpose is to enhance immunity and resist melancholy;

3. Applied in cosmetics fields, it is widely used to delay aging and compact skin;

4. Applied in the pharmaceutical field, it is widely used to treat cardio-cerebrovascular disease.


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