5-HTP Powder

5-HTP or 5-hydroxytryptophan is an intermediate metabolite used to produce serotonin. Serotonin is a very important substance that helps promote normal brain and nerve function. Serotonin is the main neurotransmitter that supports mood, sleep functions, and appetite.

5 htp powder 4

Basic Information:

Product Name: 5-HTP Powder
CAS No: 56-69-9
Color: White to off-white powder
Purity: 99%


5-HTP and Insomnia. The relationship between 5-HTP and sleep (good sleep) has been well-established. In fact, 5 HTP supplements are seen to be better than melatonin in promoting good sleep and alleviating insomnia. It is able to increase the quality of sleep without hangovers or drugged feelings which are usually present with sleeping pills and sedatives.

5-HTP and Depression. Many people have already enjoyed the benefits of 5-HTP against depression. It is reportedly as effective as anti-depressants in the treatment of mild to moderate depression.

5-HTP and Anxiety. Low serotonin levels can lead to abnormal anxiety. With HTP, there is a good chance for serotonin to go back to its natural level, so you can feel normal again.

5-HTP and Weight Loss. If you would like to lose weight, 5-HTP may do wonders for you as well. An appetite too healthy may be caused by low serotonin levels. Taking in 5-HTP can normalize these levels. At the same time, 5-HTP supplements can decrease your food intake by creating a feeling of fullness. It also is able to increase the secretion of the leptin (an appetite regulator) thus resulting in enhanced weight loss.


Clinical studies have shown the anti-depressant effect of 5-HTP supplement for those suffering from bipolar II disorder. 5-HTP can alleviate and reduce to improve the general quality of life of bipolar sufferers.

One of the major benefits of 5-HTP is the help that it gives to people with fibromyalgia. It helps improve sleep while at the same time reduce depression, pain, stiffness, and anxiety – all of which are symptoms of this condition.

5-hydroxytryptophan supplement has also been used for treating chronic headaches such as tension headaches, juvenile headaches, and migraines. These are conditions that may be related to low serotonin. 5-HTP has the ability to reduce the severity and frequency of these conditions, with fewer side effects compared to other chronic headache medications.


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